Capstone Project — The Battle of Neighborhoods (Week 1)
A Visual Approach to determine Strategic Locations for Masks and Medical Devices Distribution for COVID-19 treatment based on confirmed cases on May 28,2020 at red zone areas to measure “new normal” readiness
Applied Data Science Capstone by IBM/Coursera
Table of contents
- Introduction: Business Problem
- Data
- Methodology
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
Introduction: Business Problem
Since the beginning of 2020, Jakarta and many other cities around the world have been under attack by an invisible army called ‘Novel Corona Virus’, also known as ‘Covid-19’. Every effort has been focusing on solving or minimizing problems, including Data Scientists. Data Scientists assessed the situations in places around the world, such as availability, amount, and geographical distribution (i.e. locations) of health infrastructures, such as virus testing centers and authorized hospitals to treat affected patients. In this article, we would like to present a simple analysis for determining strategic locations for the distribution of masks and medical devices for COVID-19 treatment, based on confirmed cases on May 28, 2020, and the red zone areas for “new normal” condition analysis.
A few Identified factors that influence our decision are:
- Covid-19 cases per district “Riwayat File Covid-19 DKI Jakarta”
- Total population in DKI Jakarta 2020
- 10 most population in DKI Jakarta 2020 per district
- Hospital for treatment covid-19
The following data sources are needed to extract/generate the required information:
- Processed covid-19 positive case data collection on 28 May 2020 At 09.00.
- The distribution of mask sales based on the population in the DKI Jakarta area.
- The distribution of mask sales based on 5 districts with the most densely populated populations.
- New datasets (to be created) from Hospital table that contains city, district, along with their latitudes and longitudes.
Let’s start the Project by importing necessary Python libraries.
Import necessary libraries
import requests # library to handle requests
import pandas as pd # library for data analsysis
import numpy as np # library to handle data in a vectorized manner
import random # library for random number generation
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # library for web scrapping
#!conda install -c conda-forge geocoder --yes
#print ("install geocoder")
#!conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 geocoder --yes
#print ("install geocoder2")
#!conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf201901 geocoder --yes
#print ("install geocoder3")
#!conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf202003 geocoder --yes
#print ("install geocoder4")
import geocoder
#!conda install -c conda-forge geopy --yes
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim # module to convert an address into latitude and longitude values
# libraries for displaying images
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.core.display import HTML
# tranforming json file into a pandas dataframe library
from import json_normalize
#!conda install -c conda-forge folium=0.5.0 --yes
import folium # plotting library
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors
print('Folium installed')
print('Libraries imported.')
Folium installed
Libraries imported.
Make sure that we have created a Foursquare developer account and have our credentials handy.
CLIENT_ID = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX' # your Foursquare ID
CLIENT_SECRET = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' # your Foursquare Secret
VERSION = '20180604'
LIMIT = 30
print('Your credentails:')
print('CLIENT_ID: ' + CLIENT_ID)
Your credentails:
Read and show all data used.
Read and show data Covid-19 cases per district.
# Read in the data Covid-19 cases per district (28 May,2020)
df_cases = pd.read_csv("")
# View the top rows of the dataset
Read and show the top 5 data rows from Covid-19 cases per district.
Read and show the bottom 5 data rows from Covid-19 cases per district
Read and show the total population data in DKI Jakarta 2020.
import pandas as pd
# Read in the data total population in DKI Jakarta 2020
df_population = pd.read_csv("")
# View the top rows of the dataset
Total population in Jakarta.
# Get the number of total / confirmed POSITIVE cases in Jakarta per 28 May 2020
print ("Total Polulation :", df_population['Total population 2020(people/km²)'].sum())<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 2 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 City 6 non-null object
1 Total population 2020(people/km²) 6 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 224.0+ bytes
Total Polulation : 92736
Read and show the top 5 data rows from total population in DKI Jakarta, 2020.
Read and show the data from 10 districts most pupulated in DKI Jakarta, 2020.
# Read in the data 10 most pupulation in DKI Jakarta 2020 per district
df_most_population = pd.read_csv("")
# View the top rows of the dataset
Read and show the top 5 data rows from 10 most populated areas in DKI Jakarta, 2020 per district.
According to the information update from (, the following hospitals are the existing reference hospitals for Covid-19 testing in Jakarta area:
- RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta Utara
- RSUP Persahabatan, Jakarta Timur
- RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, Jakarta Pusat
- RSUP Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan
- RSU Bhayangkara, Jakarta Timur
- RSAL Mintohardjo, Jakarta Pusat
- RSUD Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat
- RSUD Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan
- RSKD Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur
- RS Pelni, Jakarta Barat
- RSUD Tarakan, Jakarta Pusat
- RSUD Koja, Jakarta Utara
- RSU Pertamina Jaya, Jakarta Pusat
Construct a Pandas data frame for subsequent data analysis.
Read and show Hospital data that provide treatment Covid-19.
# Read in the data Hospital for treatment covid-19
df_hospital = pd.read_csv("")
# View the top rows of the dataset
Read and show the top 5 data rows from Hospital data providing treatment Covid-19.
This sums up our data mining and data exploration section. In the following METHODOLOGY section, we will describe the process of how to do a ‘Visual’ approach to better understand our data using data science and data analytics tool kits.
First, we create a new dataset of only positive cases from the Covid-19 Case table on May 28, 2020.
Index(['ID_KEL', 'ID_KEL.1', 'Nama_provinsi', 'nama_kota', 'nama_kecamatan',
'nama_kelurahan', 'ODP', 'Proses Pemantauan', 'Selesai Pemantauan',
'PDP', 'Masih Dirawat', 'Pulang dan Sehat', 'POSITIF', 'Dirawat',
'Sembuh', 'Meninggal', 'Self Isolation', 'Keterangan'],
Remove / drop irrelevant columns for this analysis.
df_cases.drop(columns =["ID_KEL","ID_KEL.1", "Nama_provinsi", "nama_kecamatan", "ODP", "Proses Pemantauan", "Selesai Pemantauan", "PDP", "Masih Dirawat", "Pulang dan Sehat", "Dirawat", "Sembuh", "Meninggal", "Self Isolation", "Keterangan"], inplace=True)
indexNames = df_cases[(df_cases['nama_kelurahan'] == 'BELUM DIKETAHUI') | (df_cases['nama_kota'] == 'LUAR DKI JAKARTA')].index
df_cases.drop(indexNames, inplace=True)
# Rename columns name to English
df_cases = df_cases.rename(columns = {'nama_kota':'CITY', 'nama_kelurahan':'DISTRICT', 'POSITIF':'POSITIVE'})
# Get the number and the names of each municipality or city in Jakarta
# Get the number of districts (i.e. counts) in Jakarta.
# Get the mean number of positive cases of each district in the city and the standard deviation
Check if there are any missing or null values.
# Get the number of total / confirmed POSITIVE cases in Jakarta per 28 May 2020
print ("positive cases :", ((df_cases['POSITIVE'].sum()) - 6929))
# Group the data by CITY
df_cases_grp = df_cases.groupby(['CITY'])
Output :
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 268 entries, 0 to 269
Data columns (total 3 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 CITY 267 non-null object
1 DISTRICT 268 non-null object
2 POSITIVE 268 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 8.4+ KB
positive cases : 5061
Name: POSITIVE, dtype: int64
From all these processes: data mining, preparation, and exploration, the total number of Covid-19 confirmed positive cases in Jakarta is 5,061 per 28 May 2020, distributed across 6 main municipalities or cities in Jakarta, across 268 districts (or ‘Kelurahan’) out of just over 92.736 population of Jakarta.
East Jakarta (Jakarta Timur) has the highest number of total POSITIVE cases with 1162 confirmed positives. Just like any other city, each city/municipality has many neighborhoods that can be used to pinpoint the location of the new proposed Covid-19 testing center along with further analysis of the neighborhood using FourSquare API and Folium map visualization technique.
Need to get Latitude & Longitude of Jakarta city and the districts
To assist in the analysis, we will use the ‘’free services” provided by Open Cage Geocode ( to get the latitude and longitude of cities, districts, particular venues, or neighborhoods. We will start by opening an account and downloading the required dependencies for our analysis. Terms and condition applies. Please refer to their website for further details.
# Import required package for obtaining Latitude and Longitude of each cities
# Need to get Latitude & Longitude of Jakarta city and the districts
# Get API key from the service provider (Open Cage Geocode)
#!pip install opencage
from opencage.geocoder import OpenCageGeocode
key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
geocoder = OpenCageGeocode(key)
query = 'Jakarta, Indonesia'
results = geocoder.geocode(query)
# print (results)
# Isolate only the Latitude & Longitude of Jakarta from the Json file
lat = results[0]['geometry']['lat']
lng = results[0]['geometry']['lng']
print ('The Latitude and Longitude of Jakarta is {} and {} reprectively.'.format(lat, lng))
Output :
The Latitude and Longitude of Jakarta is -6.1753942 and 106.827183 reprectively.
Similarly, we can use the API service from OpenCage Geocoder to obtain the latitude and longitude of all districts in Jakarta.
# Get latitude and longitude of all districts
list_lat = [] # create empty lists for latitude
list_long = [] # create empty lists for longitude
for index, row in df_cases.iterrows(): # iterate over rows in dataframe
District = row['DISTRICT']
query = str(District)+', Jakarta'
results = geocoder.geocode(query)
lat = results[0]['geometry']['lat']
long = results[0]['geometry']['lng']
# create new columns from lists
df_cases['Latitude'] = list_lat
df_cases['Longitude'] = list_long
Get the latitude and longitude Hospital
Besides, we also need to get the latitude and longitude of all Covid-19 testing centers in Jakarta that we have checked from the source
# Get the latitude and longitude of all of the specialist hospitals
list2_lat = [] # create empty lists for latitude
list2_long = [] # create empty lists for longitude
for index, row in df_hospital.iterrows(): # iterate over rows in dataframe
hosp = row['Hospital']
distr = row['District']
query = str(hosp) + ', ' + str(distr) + ', Jakarta'
results = geocoder.geocode(query)
lat = results[0]['geometry']['lat']
long = results[0]['geometry']['lng']
# create new columns from lists
df_hospital['Latitude'] = list2_lat
df_hospital['Longitude'] = list2_long
We then need to know how to get a map of the city that we are interested in (i.e. Jakarta) to present our data to the stakeholders using a ‘Visualization’ approach.
We have downloaded all the required dependencies earlier in the report, and now we are ready to use the FOLIUM API service as described in the following section.
# Define the map object and then display using the specified latitude and longitude values
map_jkt = folium.Map(location=[-6.2, 106.8], zoom_start=12)
The map shows the main outer ring roads surrounding the city of Jakarta. It does NOT, however, show the official territorial boundary of the city concerning other administrative regions in the east, west, and south of Jakarta.
However, because the author is from Indonesia, we know roughly which neighborhood belongs to Jakarta and which does not. In this scenario, we want to propose a strategic locations (i.e. neighborhood) for the investing group within the Jakarta governmental area.
The chart below show the population density in Jakarta.
import matplotlib as plt
df_population.set_index('City')['Total population 2020(people/km²)']
The chart below show the population density in Jakarta, per district
import matplotlib as plt
df_most_population.set_index('district')['Total population 2020 (people/km²)']
Based on the graph results shown that areas need the distribution of masks the most is Central Jakarta (Jakarta Pusat) with the most populated areas. Then 5 districts that mostly need for a distribution of masks are Kali Anyar, Kampung Rawa, Galur, Tanah Tinggi, and Kerendang.
To better understand and estimate the territories or areas that are within the administrative government of Jakarta city, we need to plot all the districts that we have downloaded from the site together with their latitude and longitude values. The following lines of Python code will execute the task using Folium API.
# Construct a map of all districts neighborhood in Jakarta
map_jkt = folium.Map(location=[-6.2, 106.8], zoom_start=11)
for lat, lng, label in zip(df_cases['Latitude'], df_cases['Longitude'], df_cases['DISTRICT']):
label = folium.Popup(label, parse_html=True)
location=[lat, lng],
As we can see from the above map, most of the districts are within the main outer ring roads surrounding the city, and others are situated outside the main ring roads. To solve in our business challenge, we need to show the extent and the distribution medical devices for treatment of COVID-19 positive case-patients within the city of Jakarta based on the number that we obtained from the government site. The following lines of Python code will achieve the task and present the data in a clear visual approach.
# Plot a map of Covid-19 distribution in the city of Jakarta per May 28, 2020
map_covid_jkt = folium.Map(location=[-6.2, 106.8], zoom_start=11)
for lat,lon,area,size in zip(df_cases['Latitude'],df_cases['Longitude'],df_cases['DISTRICT'],df_cases['POSITIVE']):
location=[lat, lon],
This is a similar map plot that we can see from the government task force for Covid-19 cases in Jakarta. Their graph can be seen in this link: As we can see, most of the regions in Jakarta are now in the ‘RED’ zone, with the radius of the circle represent the relative extent of Covid-19 distribution in the City of Jakarta.
A better presentation of the data would be to use a ‘slider’ in the map that shows the growth of the circle day by day or simply an animation that shows the daily growth of Covid-19 cases in the city. An app developer might develop an App that alerts vehicles/road users that alerts that they are not allowed to pass the RED zone within the city. This App could save lives! The next set of problems that we need to solve is to show the location of existing and approved Covid-19 testing centers (or reference hospitals) and see how well they are distributed to each other within the city and in which regions of Jakarta. The following lines of Python code show how. We will first try to plot the hospitals WITHOUT the RED circles as that might cause distraction.
# Construct a map of all existing Covid-19 testing hospitals in Jakarta
map_hosp = folium.Map(location=[-6.2, 106.8], zoom_start=12)
for lat, lng, hosp in zip(df_hospital['Latitude'], df_hospital['Longitude'], df_hospital['Hospital']):
label = folium.Popup(hosp, parse_html=True)
location=[lat, lng],
icon=folium.Icon(color='blue', icon='header'),
As you can see, the hospitals are quite sparsely distributed within each other except the two hospitals in the south are relatively close to each other (i.e. Fatmawati and Pasar Minggu hospitals). Let’s see how strategic they are in accomodating the extent of positive cases patients in the city. We can do this by overlaying the two data within a single map as shown in the following codes:
# Plot a combined map of Covid-19 distribution in the city of Jakarta & current available testing centers
map_covid_hosp_jkt = folium.Map(location=[-6.2, 106.8], zoom_start=11)
for lat,lon,area,size in zip(df_cases['Latitude'],df_cases['Longitude'],df_cases['DISTRICT'],df_cases['POSITIVE']):
location=[lat, lon],
# Construct a map of all existing Covid-19 testing hospitals in Jakarta
for lat, lng, hosp in zip(df_hospital['Latitude'], df_hospital['Longitude'], df_hospital['Hospital']):
label = folium.Popup(hosp, parse_html=True)
location=[lat, lng],
icon=folium.Icon(color='blue', icon='header'),
We can see from the results of the distribution of COVID-19 cases and the location of hospitals, almost all hospitals require a lot of medical equipment for COVID-19 treatment. In addition to Fatmawati hospital and the Pasar Minggu hospital, the distribution of the COVID-19 case is not as extensive as other hospitals.
We will try to analyze locations in the red zone based on the location of the hospital in the middle of the red zone. We determine based on the location of the Tarakan Hospital, Central Jakarta.
Let’s begin by trying to get the top 100 venues that are within Tarakan Hospital neighborhood and are within a radius of 500 meters of our candidate Covid-19 testing center using FOURSQUARE API. First, let’s create the GET request URL. Name that URL, url.
prop_neighborhood = pd.DataFrame({
'Hospital':['RSUD Tarakan']
})neighborhood_latitude_list = [] # create empty lists for latitude
neighborhood_longitude_list = [] # create empty lists for longitudefor index, row in prop_neighborhood.iterrows(): # iterate over rows in dataframe
neigh = row['Hospital']
query = str(neigh) + ', Jakarta Pusat'
results = geocoder.geocode(query)
lat = results[0]['geometry']['lat']
long = results[0]['geometry']['lng']
# create new columns from lists
prop_neighborhood['Latitude'] = neighborhood_latitude_list
prop_neighborhood['Longitude'] = neighborhood_longitude_list
# Define function that extracts the category of the venue based on the returned JSON file
def get_category_type(row):
categories_list = row['categories']
categories_list = row['venue.categories']
if len(categories_list) == 0:
return None
return categories_list[0]['name']neighborhood_latitude = 0
neighborhood_longitude = 0address = 'RSUD Tarakan, Jakarta Pusat'geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="Hospital_agent")
location = geolocator.geocode(address)
neighborhood_latitude= location.latitude
neighborhood_longitude= location.longitude
print("RSUD Tarakan: ", neighborhood_latitude, ",",neighborhood_longitude)
RSUD Tarakan: -6.17163765 , 106.81034620548138
Get URL for the API in Tarakan Hospital neighborhood.
LIMIT = 100 # limit of number of venues returned by Foursquare API
radius = 500 # define radius in meter
# create URL
url = ‘{}&client_secret={}&v={}&ll={},{}&radius={}&limit={}'.format(
# url — not printed for privacy
Next, let’s make a request using REQUEST library, and name our query results for Tarakan Hospital area, results.
# Send the GET request and examine the resutls
results = requests.get(url).json()
# results - not printed for shortening of the report
Next, we will use the above function (get_category_type) to extract information from the JSON file related to venues in the Tarakan Hospital neighborhood. The following line of code should do the trick:
venues = results['response']['groups'][0]['items']
nearby_venues = json_normalize(venues) # flatten JSON# filter columns
filtered_columns = ['', 'venue.categories', '', 'venue.location.lng']
nearby_venues =nearby_venues.loc[:, filtered_columns]# filter the category for each row
nearby_venues['venue.categories'] = nearby_venues.apply(get_category_type, axis=1)# clean columns
nearby_venues.columns = [col.split(".")[-1] for col in nearby_venues.columns]
# Check how many venues were returned by Foursquare?
print('{} venues were returned by Foursquare for {} neighborhood.'.format(nearby_venues.shape[0], prop_neighborhood.iloc[0,0]))
28 venues were returned by Foursquare for RSUD Tarakan neighborhood.
Based on the results generated by the FOURSQUARE API, we can locate the business site around Tarakan hospital and identify affected business locations in the red zone.
# Sort venues around Tarakan Hospital area
df_tarakan_neigh = nearby_venues.groupby('categories').count()
df_tarakan_neigh.drop(columns =['lat', 'lng'], inplace=True)
df_tarakan_neigh.sort_values(by='name', ascending=False, inplace=True)
df_tarakan_neigh1 = df_tarakan_neigh.iloc[0:14]
df_tarakan_neigh2 = df_tarakan_neigh.iloc[14:]
The next set of challenges that we need to tackle is to gain slightly more insights (profile) of the Tarakan hospital area. To simplify our analysis, we will just use the Euclidian (distance-based) clustering technique which is part of the unsupervised machine learning technique. In particular, we will use K-means clustering.
To start, we need to decide the best K-value for our analysis. We will let the K-means clustering algorithm to calculate this for us. The following lines of code will carry out the task.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt# Apply unsupervised Machine Learning clustering technique to the neighborhood data in Tarakan Hospital
K_clusters = range(1,10)
kmeans = [KMeans(n_clusters=i) for i in K_clusters]
Y_axis = nearby_venues[['lat']]
X_axis = nearby_venues[['lng']]
score = [kmeans[i].fit(Y_axis).score(Y_axis) for i in range(len(kmeans))]
# Visualize
plt.plot(K_clusters, score)
plt.xlabel('Number of Clusters')
plt.title('Elbow Curve')
The X-axis of the plot shows various number of K-values that we can use for our clustering analysis. As we can see from the chart, the curve starts flattening out at K=3. Therefore, we will use a K=3 to cluster neighborhoods surrounding our proposed Covid-19 testing center. The following lines of code assign Cluster label to all venues that are within a 500-meter radius of our Covid-19 testing center in Tarakan Hospital area:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = 3, init ='k-means++')[nearby_venues.columns[2:4]]) # Compute k-means clustering.
nearby_venues['cluster_label'] = kmeans.fit_predict(nearby_venues[nearby_venues.columns[2:4]])
centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_ # Coordinates of cluster centers.
labels = kmeans.predict(nearby_venues[nearby_venues.columns[2:4]]) # Labels of each point
# Check whether all the cluster labels exist in the data
[0, 2, 1]
[0, 2, 1]
To better visualize the clustering of our neighborhood, we will need to create a custom function that we call ‘regioncolors’ that will assign a color to each area within a 500-meter radius of our proposed facility. The following line of code should help us with this task.
def regioncolors(counter):
if counter['cluster_label'] == 0:
return 'green'
elif counter['cluster_label'] == 1:
return 'blue'
elif counter['cluster_label'] == 2:
return 'red'
return 'error'nearby_venues["color"] = nearby_venues.apply(regioncolors, axis=1)
At this stage, we have assigned cluster labels to all of our neighborhood venues, and we have assigned unique colors to each cluster. Next, we can then visualize our clustering analysis to a Folium map to see how all of these venues are geographically distributed within the 500-meter radius that we specified surrounding the proposed facility.
# Construct a map of neighborhood venues in Tarakan Hospital, Cetral Jakarta
map_Tarakan = folium.Map(location=[-6.17163765, 106.81034620548138], zoom_start=16)
for lat, lng, cat, col in zip(nearby_venues['lat'], nearby_venues['lng'], nearby_venues['categories'], nearby_venues['color']):
label = folium.Popup(cat, parse_html=True)
location=[lat, lng],
for lat, lng, neigh in zip(prop_neighborhood['Latitude'], prop_neighborhood['Longitude'], prop_neighborhood['Hospital']):
label = folium.Popup(neigh, parse_html=True)
location=[lat, lng],
icon=folium.Icon(color='darkblue', icon='header'),
Then we compiled a map of the results of this business location with a map of the distribution of COVID-19 cases.
# Construct a map of neighborhood venues in Tarakan Hospital, Cetral Jakarta
map_Redzone = folium.Map(location=[-6.17163765, 106.81034620548138], zoom_start=16)
for lat, lng, cat, col in zip(nearby_venues['lat'], nearby_venues['lng'], nearby_venues['categories'], nearby_venues['color']):
label = folium.Popup(cat, parse_html=True)
location=[lat, lng],
for lat, lng, neigh in zip(prop_neighborhood['Latitude'], prop_neighborhood['Longitude'], prop_neighborhood['Hospital']):
label = folium.Popup(neigh, parse_html=True)
location=[lat, lng],
icon=folium.Icon(color='darkblue', icon='header'),
for lat,lon,area,size in zip(df_cases['Latitude'],df_cases['Longitude'],df_cases['DISTRICT'],df_cases['POSITIVE']):
location=[lat, lon],
The result of analysis is the location of the business which is in the Tarakan hospital neighborhood and is within a radius of 500 meters. Then, we also get the most congested cluster if businesses apply normal conditions in the red zone, potentially increasing cases of contracting the COVID-19 virus within the area.
Results and Discussion
The project aims to provide information to local people who must be alerted to go out of the house from the distribution of the COVID-19 case in Jakarta. It also aims to provide information on areas that are most needed for a lot of mask distribution, according to population density in the area.
Further, it provides information on which hospitals that need the most medical equipments for COVID-19 treatment, possibly even additional medical personnels (doctors and nurses). It also provides information on the business neighborhood which shall implement Covid-19 health protocol with a high discipline when “new normal” comes.
This project helps mask sellers to understand potential distribution areas according to population density in Jakarta. It also helps the distribution of medical devices for corona care to hospitals that are estimated to have a large number of patients or even helps analyzing which hospitals need additional medical personnel (doctors and nurses).
It will also provide awareness to help business owners who run businesses surrounding the adjacent clusters to be better informed, with the density of people within the business neighborhood.