Qubit Spectroscopy and Readout (by nick brønn)

cahyati sangaji (cahya)
8 min readDec 9, 2020


Cahyati Supriyati Sangaji (My Note)

Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian

For qubits, we can describe the dynamics of the qubit with the Pauli Matrices

The Pauli matrices let us define raising and lowering operators

They raise and lower qubit states

The interaction between qubit and resonator is descibed by the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian

In order to understand it, we must block-diagonalize it using the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation.

The Schrieffer-Wolff Transformation

You have a diagonalized Hamiltonian plus a perturbation

The Schrieffer-Wolff Transformation

We seek an anti-hermitian, block off-diagonal operator 𝑆 such that

is the generalized commutator

to keep track of the order 𝜆


up to second order in 𝜆

The Schrieffer-Wolff Transformation

to each order of 𝜆


Going to second order yields

The Schrieffer-Wolff Transformation

Substituting the equations needed to cancel the block off-diagonal terms and letting 𝜆→1

The recent manuscript A Systematic Method for Schrieffer-Wolff Transformation and Its Generalizations systematically provides the ansatz by calculating

and set the coefficients such that

S-W Tranformation of the J-C Hamiltonain

For ease of tedious calculations, we will use the Python package sympy for symbolic mathematics.

# import SymPy and define symbols
import sympy as sp
wr = sp.Symbol('\omega_r') # resonator frequency
wq = sp.Symbol('\omega_q') # qubit frequency
g = sp.Symbol('g', real=True) # vacuum Rabi coupling
Delta = sp.Symbol('Delta', real=True) # wr - wq; defined later
# import operator relations and define them
from sympy.physics.quantum.boson import BosonOp
a = BosonOp('a') # resonator photon annihilation operator
from sympy.physics.quantum import pauli, Dagger, Commutator
from sympy.physics.quantum.operatorordering import normal_ordered_form

S-W Tranformation of the J-C Hamiltonian

# Pauli matrices
sx = pauli.SigmaX()
sy = pauli.SigmaY()
sz = pauli.SigmaZ()
# qubit raising and lowering operators
splus = pauli.SigmaPlus()
sminus = pauli.SigmaMinus()
# define J-C Hamiltonian in terms of diagonal and
# non-block diagonal terms
H0 = wr*Dagger(a)*a - (1/2)*wq*sz;
H1 = 0
H2 = g*(Dagger(a)*sminus + a*splus);
HJC = H0 + H1 + H2; HJC # print

S-W Tranformation of the J-C Hamiltonian

# using the above method for finding the ansatz
eta = Commutator(H0, H2); eta

We will need to used the methods doit(), expand, normal_ordered_form, and qsimplify_pauli


S-W Tranformation of the J-C Hamiltonian

A = sp.Symbol('A')
B = sp.Symbol('B')
eta = A * Dagger(a) * sminus - B * a * splus;
pauli.qsimplify_pauli(normal_ordered_form(Commutator(H0, eta).doit().expand()))

S-W Tranformation of the J-C Hamiltonian

S1 = eta.subs(A, g/Delta)
S1 = S1.subs(B, g/Delta); S1.factor()
Heff = H0 + H1 + 0.5*pauli.qsimplify_pauli(normal_ordered_form(Commutator(H2, S1).doit().expand())).simplify(); Heff

This is typically written as

Qiskit Pulse — Spectroscopy

Import Necessary Libraries

from qiskit.tools.jupyter import *
from qiskit import IBMQ
IBMQ.save_account('<Your Token')
provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q', group='open', project='main')
backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_armonk')

Verify Backend is Pulse-enabled

backend_config = backend.configuration()
assert backend_config.open_pulse, "Backend doesn't support Pulse"
dt = backend_config.dt
print(f"Sampling time: {dt*1e9} ns")
backend_defaults = backend.defaults()


Sampling time: 0.2222222222222222 ns

Qiskit Pulse — Spectroscopy

import numpy as np# unit conversion factors -> all backend properties returned in SI 
# (Hz, sec, etc)
GHz = 1.0e9 # Gigahertz
MHz = 1.0e6 # Megahertz
kHz = 1.0e3
us = 1.0e-6 # Microseconds
ns = 1.0e-9 # Nanoseconds
# We will find the qubit frequency for the following qubit.
qubit = 0
# The sweep will be centered around the estimated qubit frequency.# The default frequency is given in Hz
# warning: this will change in a future release
center_frequency_Hz = backend_defaults.qubit_freq_est[qubit]
print(f"Qubit {qubit} has an estimated frequency of {center_frequency_Hz / GHz} GHz.")


Qubit 0 has an estimated frequency of 4.974445862780936 GHz.

Qiskit Pulse — Spectroscopy

# scale factor to remove factors of 10 from the data
scale_factor = 1e-14
# We will sweep 40 MHz around the estimated frequency
frequency_span_Hz = 40 * MHz
# in steps of 1 MHz.
frequency_step_Hz = 1 * MHz
# We will sweep 20 MHz above and 20 MHz below the estimated
# frequency
frequency_min = center_frequency_Hz - frequency_span_Hz / 2
frequency_max = center_frequency_Hz + frequency_span_Hz / 2
# Construct an np array of the frequencies for our experiment
frequencies_GHz = np.arange(frequency_min / GHz,
frequency_max / GHz,
frequency_step_Hz / GHz)
print(f"The sweep will go from {frequency_min / GHz} GHz to {frequency_max / GHz} GHz \
in steps of {frequency_step_Hz / MHz} MHz.")


The sweep will go from 4.954445862780936 GHz to 4.994445862780936 GHz in steps of 1.0 MHz.

Qiskit Pulse — Spectroscopy

# This is where we access all of our Pulse features!
from qiskit import pulse
inst_sched_map = backend_defaults.instruction_schedule_map
measure = inst_sched_map.get('measure', qubits=[qubit])
x_pulse = inst_sched_map.get('x', qubits=[qubit])
### Collect the necessary channels
drive_chan = pulse.DriveChannel(qubit)
meas_chan = pulse.MeasureChannel(qubit)
acq_chan = pulse.AcquireChannel(qubit)
# Create the base schedule
# Start with drive pulse acting on the drive channel
schedule = pulse.Schedule(name='Frequency sweep')
schedule += x_pulse
# The left shift `<<` is special syntax meaning to
# shift the start time of the schedule by some duration
schedule += measure << schedule.duration
# Create the frequency settings for the sweep (MUST BE IN HZ)
frequencies_Hz = frequencies_GHz*GHz
schedule_frequencies = [{drive_chan: freq} for freq in frequencies_Hz]

Qiskit Pulse — Spectroscopy

schedule.draw(label=True, scaling=0.8)

Qiskit Pulse — Spectroscopy

from qiskit import assemble
frequency_sweep_program = assemble(schedule,
# RUN the job on a real device
job = backend.run(frequency_sweep_program)
from qiskit.tools.monitor import job_monitor
# OR retreive result from previous run
#job = backend.retrieve_job('<Job ID>')


<Your Jon ID>
Job Status: job has successfully run

Qiskit Pulse — Spectroscopy

frequency_sweep_results = job.result()import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sweep_values = []
for i in range(len(frequency_sweep_results.results)):
# Get the results from the ith experiment
res = frequency_sweep_results.get_memory(i)*scale_factor
# Get the results for `qubit` from this experiment
plt.scatter(frequencies_GHz, np.real(sweep_values), color='white') # plot real part of sweep values
plt.xlim([min(frequencies_GHz), max(frequencies_GHz)])
plt.xlabel("Frequency [GHz]")
plt.ylabel("Measured signal [a.u.]")

Qiskit Pulse — Spectroscopy

from scipy.optimize import curve_fitdef fit_function(x_values, y_values, function, init_params):
fitparams, conv = curve_fit(function, x_values, y_values, init_params)
y_fit = function(x_values, *fitparams)

return fitparams, y_fit
fit_params, y_fit = fit_function(frequencies_GHz,
lambda x, A, q_freq, B, C: (A / np.pi) * (B / ((x - q_freq)**2 + B**2)) + C,
[5, 4.975, 1, 3] # initial parameters for curve_fit

Qiskit Pulse — Spectroscopy

plt.scatter(frequencies_GHz, np.real(sweep_values), color='white')
plt.plot(frequencies_GHz, y_fit, color='red')
plt.xlim([min(frequencies_GHz), max(frequencies_GHz)])
plt.xlabel("Frequency [GHz]")
plt.ylabel("Measured Signal [a.u.]")

Qiskit Pulse — Dispersive Shift

# Create the schedules for 0 and 1
schedule_0 = pulse.Schedule(name='0')
schedule_0 += measure
schedule_1 = pulse.Schedule(name='1')
schedule_1 += x_pulse
schedule_1 += measure << schedule_1.duration

Qiskit Pulse — Dispersive Shift


Qiskit Pulse — Dispersive Shift


Qiskit Pulse — Dispersive Shift

frequency_span_Hz = 320 * kHz
frequency_step_Hz = 8 * kHz
center_frequency_Hz = backend_defaults.meas_freq_est[qubit]
print(f"Qubit {qubit} has an estimated readout frequency of {center_frequency_Hz / GHz} GHz.")
frequency_min = center_frequency_Hz - frequency_span_Hz / 2
frequency_max = center_frequency_Hz + frequency_span_Hz / 2
frequencies_GHz = np.arange(frequency_min / GHz,
frequency_max / GHz,
frequency_step_Hz / GHz)
print(f"The sweep will go from {frequency_min / GHz} GHz to {frequency_max / GHz} GHz\
in steps of {frequency_step_Hz / MHz} MHz.")


Qubit 0 has an estimated readout frequency of 6.993427855 GHz.
The sweep will go from 6.993267855 GHz to 6.993587855 GHz in steps of 0.008 MHz.

Qiskit Pulse — Dispersive Shift

num_shots_per_frequency = 2048frequencies_Hz = frequencies_GHz*GHz
schedule_los = [{meas_chan: freq} for freq in frequencies_Hz]
cavity_sweep_0 = assemble(schedule_0,
cavity_sweep_1 = assemble(schedule_1,
# RUN the job on a real device
job_0 = backend.run(cavity_sweep_0)
job_1 = backend.run(cavity_sweep_1)
# OR retreive result from previous run
#job_0 = backend.retrieve_job('Job ID1')
#job_1 = backend.retrieve_job('Job ID2')
cavity_sweep_0_results = job_0.result()
cavity_sweep_1_results = job_1.result()


Job Status: job has successfully run
Job Status: job has successfully run

Qiskit Pulse — Dispersive Shift

scale_factor = 1e-14sweep_values_0 = []
for i in range(len(cavity_sweep_0_results.results)):
res_0 = cavity_sweep_0_results.get_memory(i)*scale_factor
sweep_values_1 = []
for i in range(len(cavity_sweep_1_results.results)):
res_1 = cavity_sweep_1_results.get_memory(i)*scale_factor

plotx = frequencies_Hz/kHz
ploty_0 = np.abs(sweep_values_0)
ploty_1 = np.abs(sweep_values_1)

Qiskit Pulse — Dispersive Shift

# plot real part of sweep values
plt.plot(plotx, ploty_0, color='blue', marker='.')
# plot real part of sweep values
plt.plot(plotx, ploty_1, color='red', marker='.')
plt.legend([r'$\vert0\rangle$', r'$\vert1\rangle$'])
plt.xlabel("Frequency [kHz]")
plt.ylabel("Measured signal [a.u.]")


Qiskit (Global Summer School), Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Hardware — Lab 7.



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